Essential Items for a Post Vaginal Delivery (Must Haves!)

Enough about our newborn’s. This article if just for us expecting mums!

By the 38th week of our pregnancy, the majority of us expecting mums have oo-ed over cute baby clothes and repacked our hospital stay nappy bags more times than we can count on one hand. While focusing so much on our soon to be bundle of joy, many of us forget to consider ourselves and the postpartum must-haves. I believe this is because no one voices their post vaginal delivery experiences as much as the joy they have for their newborn. It is important that when you become a new mum you take care of not only your newborn but yourself. This article will help you gather some rather unattractive but essential items you may need post vaginal delivery.

Create a Postpartum Care Kit

There is nothing worse than needing to go shopping for the essential items only days after giving birth. At Baby Momma Blog we recommend all expectant mums (even those who know they will be giving birth via cesarean) create a postpartum care kit. Having all the essential post vaginal delivery items will give you comfort, pain relief and allow you to enjoy all of those newborn cuddles.

Baby Momma’s Care Kit Suggestions

The Unattractive Items

Many mothers won’t elaborate on their postpartum troubles. Possible stitches, six or more weeks of bleeding and not to mention those awful postpartum cramps… I really don’t blame them for burying those thoughts in the back of their memory.

1) Pad, Pads and more Pads – The unfortunate fact is you will bleed after having a baby. The length in which you bleed for varies from one woman to another although the majority of us will have a heavy period for up to six weeks. It is recommended to stock up on a variety of pads prior to going into labor. Even if you are someone who has never had a heavy period, after having a baby you will need a pack or two of the unattractive maternity or overnight pads. Do not attempt to use tampons for the first six weeks after giving birth.

2) A Squirt/Peri Bottle – A pump bottle or similar is perfect for cleaning vaginal stitches if you shower does not have a hose attached. It is important to clean your stitches with fresh, clean water to avoid infection. The warm water often relieves pain and means that you do not need to irritate your stitches with rough toilet paper. If you would like to spend a little extra you can buy yourself a Peri bottle that makes the initial cleaning process hassle free and a lot less painful.

3) Stool Softener – A handful of women need a stool softener after having a baby especially those with internal and external stitches. Using a stool softener can make that first postpartum toilet experience just that little bit easier. There is a large range of stool softeners on the market. Speak to your midwife at one of your prenatal appointments to find out which one will be best for you.

4) Maternity Undies – Bonds have a great selection of maternity undies. These undies are soften and wider allowing you to wear any size pad you need. These undies also don’t put pressure on your stomach and are low cut which is great if you needed a c-section. You need to be prepared to toss the undies you wear. This is not the time to be packing your expensive underwear.

5) Nursing Bras – These bras are a godsend for those of us who plan on breastfeeding. Nursing bras have easy, front clips that allow you to feed your baby within moments of hearing them cry.

6) Padsicles – Never heard of them before? You will definitely know about them post birth. Recommended by the hospitals are wet pads that can be put in the freezer for a couple of hours. These pads can then be placed under your tender post-birth areas. If you aren’t concerned about spending extra money, you can purchase  cooling pads online that come with their own washable sleeves.

Nipple Savior’s

For some, breastfeeding is second nature, while for others it is hard to get their baby to perfectly attach. These nipple saviors will make the breastfeeding process easier and less painful.

7) Lansinoh Lanolin– Recommended by midwives across the world for it’s nipple repairing qualities. This cream can be applied throughout the day when feeding and has no affect on your newborn baby. Perfect for dry and cracked nipples.

8) Nipple Shields – These can be used while breastfeeding when your nipples have cracked and given up. These clear shields, allow you baby to feed while your nipples get a rest.

9) Nursing Pads – When you first begin breastfeeding your nipples will leak milk even when your baby is not latched on. Over time you will learn to control your milk flow although to start off, nursing pads are essential. Especially when planning on going out.

The Lifesaves

10) A Drink Bottle – Something so simple yet so important. When you breastfeed you will notice just how thirsty you become. Now that you are feeding your newborn it is important to stay hydrated. Keep a bottle of water close by.

11) A Hot and Cold Pack – A wheat bag works wonders on those sore full breasts while a cold pack can come in handy if you needed stitches. I remember myself needing to sit on a cold pack on and off for the first couple of weeks after giving birth. It really was a lifesaver.

12) Bed Socks – Nothing worse than feeling cold when needing to breastfeed. After giving birth, feeling comfortable will really help you adjust to the new changes going on around you.

13) Herbal Bath Essence – Mother’s vouch for herbal bath products that relieve tender and sore post-birth areas. Sitz bath soak is perfect for haemorrhoids that a mother can suffer post vaginal birth.

14) Rest – Try to take it easy for the first couple of weeks after giving birth. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy your snugly newborn.

Baby Momma’s Post Birth Picks

Feeling good about yourself will really improve your emotional health after having a baby. Ensuring you are eating nutritious meals and drinking enough water will help with your milk supply for breastfeeding. Having the post vaginal essentials mentioned above will really allow you to relax and settle in to the new life with your newborn baby.

Nursing Pads by Milkmade Avenue

I can’t go past mentioning these beautiful, reusable nursing pads for new mums. These nursing pads are absorbent while still being soft on your tender nipples. Wearing nursing pads within your maternity bra will give you peace of mind knowing that you will not leak milk through your top.

Belly Wraps by Belly Bandit

A belly wrap supports your stomach, hips and waist post birth. These belly wraps can be worn under clothes and throughout the day. If you never thought you’d get your old stomach back, you were wrong. These wraps will help you get there.

High Waist Leggings

You can purchase high waist leggings from all the big brand stores. No matter the brand, I found all high waist leggings really helped me get my post baby body back. Leggings are perfect to wear as they do not put too much pressure down there or on your stomach. I lived in leggings for months after having my own son.


Categories: Planning