13 Breastfeeding Must-Haves

For some women breastfeeding comes naturally and they are blessed with an easily latching baby, while for others this is not the case. Some report that breastfeeding can hurt while others feel no pain at all. If you choose to breastfeed your baby, which initially can be more than eight times a day, you will want to be able to do it in comfort. The following are some ‘must-haves’ for a new breastfeeding momma:

1) Silicone Nipple Shields

Simple yet satisfying. These small silicone shields easily fit over any nipple size and shape to provide you with some relief while you are breastfeeding. They do not interfere with how much milk your baby is getting but just provide that needed barrier to allow your nipples to heal. Nipple shields should only be used temporary though and after your milk has come in.
Shop: Medela Contact Nipple Shield

2) Nursing Pillow

These offer support by taking weight off your back and arms. Nursing pillows are extremely useful for mothers who are expecting twins.
Shop: Ergobaby Nursing Pillow 

3) Electric Breast Pump

Also available in a manual version, breast pumps allow you to express milk easily ahead of time. This milk can then be refrigerated or frozen and allows other members of the family to be involved in feeding your newborn as well.  Also useful to have in the future if you need to put your baby into care and still intend on feeding them breast milk.
Shop: Medela Swing Breast Pump

4) Nipple Cream

In many cases a shield is not a long term solution for cracked and sore nipples. Nipple cream can relieve pain and help your nipples to heal. Lansinoh, recommended by midwives is a brand of nipple cream that can be left on even when feeding with no harmful ingredients that will affect your baby.
Shop: Lansinoh Breastfeeding Salve

5) Breastfeeding Cover

Some women are confident about breastfeeding in public while others aren’t. Breastfeeding covers are a great way to feel confident about breastfeeding in public while still being able to see your bundle of joy. Most of them are made of organic cotton which is gentle against newborn skin. Many people opt to use a muslin wrap as a nursing cover.
Shop: Organic Cotton Breastfeeding Cover

6) Breastfeeding Pads

Reusable or not, it is always handy to have some of these on hand when breastfeeding. The last thing you want is breast milk leaking through your nice white shirt in public.
Shop: Reusable Breast Pads at Milkmade Avenue

7) Maternity Bra

Maternity Bras make life so much simpler when feeding your baby. You may choose to breastfeed your baby up to a year or more so it is important to purchase more than one nursing bra.
Shop: Bonds Nursing Bras

8) Nursing Chair

Makes feeding comfortable and relaxing. There are many types of nursing chairs on the market so before the birth of your baby go trial some at your local baby stall.
Shop: Mocka Nursing Chairs

9) Breast-like Bottles

If you decide to purchase the medela swing pump you will also need to purchase the compatible medela bottles to go with it.
Shop: Medela Breast Milk Bottles

10) Breastfeeding Multivitamins

Offer added nutritional support for busy new mums who may not get the time to prepare meals rich with vitamins and minerals.
Shop: Elevit Breastfeeding Multivitamin

11) Breast milk Storage Bags

Perfect for laying flat in the freezer, breast feeding storage bags allow you to pump your milk straight into them for use later on.
Shop: Medela Pump and Save Storage Bags 

12) Bibs and Burp Cloths

All babies will vomit at one stage or another making bibs and burp clothes great investments, especially for babies with reflux. Always put a bib on your baby and have a burp cloth ready on your shoulder when breastfeeding to avoid any messy mishaps.
Shop: Aden + Anais Bibs and Burp Cloths

13) Bottled Water and Snacks

Its true! Breastfeeding will make you hungry and thirsty. Its important to keep hydrated while breastfeeding so always have a bottle of water handy and some snacks for those midnight breastfeeding craves! Pinky’s Boobie Bikkies are a new lactation cookie on the market that can actually help with your milk supply.
Shop: Pinky’s Boobie Bikkies

Categories: Nursing Pregnancy