
How Can I Pump More Breast Milk?

If you have landed on this page, congratulations on being a new mom! The first few weeks of being a…

Best Bottles for Breastfed Babies

Breastfeeding is rewarding, strengthens the bond between mother and child and significantly reduces the risk of SIDS. In saying this,…

13 Breastfeeding Must-Haves

For some women breastfeeding comes naturally and they are blessed with an easily latching baby, while for others this is…

Common Misconceptions of the Breastfed Infant

Misconceptions over breastfeeding have prevailed for many generations. Let's put an end to some of the common breastfeeding misconceptions. Top…

Breastfeeding and Breast Cancer

It's already fairly well known that among western women, a mother who breastfeeds for 24 months (duration for all her…

When Should a Baby Stop Breastfeeding?

We were asked recently by Ken: Is there an age when a baby should stop breast feeding? What are the…

Taking the Bite out of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding shouldn't have to be discontinued because of biting. If your baby is biting, you need to find out why,…

Breastfeeding Frequency

Most new mothers are left confused about how often their babies should nurse. Our formula feeding mothers can expect to…

Starting Solids with Your Breastfed Baby

Starting solids with your breastfed baby is an important step. It's the first step of weaning, whether you intend to…